Ioannis Politis - Portfolio

Ioannis Politis


Culture and usability

Me and my colleague performing

In this project, we studied the expressiveness of people of two cultures. Participants from Greece and from the Netherlands were tested in terms of their expressiveness when encountering errors in a speech interface. A speech interface prototype of a train booking system was designed and observations of participants’ non-verbal behaviour were performed. The test involved interaction with the speech interface, in which errors were introduced. The results showed that indeed there is a difference in expressiveness of participants, Greeks were found to be more expressive. This finding can provide useful insights for future speech interface design. The work was presented as a full paper at Interact 2011 conference.

Instructors: Emiel Krahmer, Marc Swerts
Prototype: Ioannis Politis, Rafal Kocielnik
Interviews: Ioannis Politis, Beant Kaur Dhilon, Rafal Kocielnik, Dalila Szostak

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