In this project, we studied the expressiveness of people of two cultures. Participants from Greece and from the Netherlands were tested in terms of their expressiveness when encountering errors in a speech interface. A speech interface prototype of a train booking system was designed and observations of participants’ non-verbal behaviour were performed. The test involved interaction with the speech interface, in which errors were introduced. The results showed that indeed there is a difference in expressiveness of participants, Greeks were found to be more expressive. This finding can provide useful insights for future speech interface design. The work was presented as a full paper at Interact 2011 conference.
Instructors: Emiel Krahmer, Marc Swerts
Prototype: Ioannis Politis, Rafal Kocielnik
Interviews: Ioannis Politis, Beant Kaur Dhilon, Rafal Kocielnik, Dalila Szostak